Truffle's Treasures
Kitty Friends
The first few pictures are two cats that belonged to my friend Charlotte who lives in Raleigh. Kizzi and Callie
were two elderly lady kitties with special health needs who were pampered and loved. They are both gone now, but we
remember them fondly. Chalotte said goodbye to Callie on July 9, 2005.
Mmmmm, napping in the sunshine |

Kizzi is the queen of her castle and Charlotte is her devoted servant. |
Kizzi was napping until I woke her with my camera |

Kizzi enjoying the warm spot in the sun by the window. |
Callie's mommy is my friend, Charlotte, in Raleigh |

Callie is pictured here supervising our craft activities on the kitchen counter |
Callie on one of Charlotte's catnip filled mats |

Callie is wondering who that human is who's following her around with a camera! |

Pictures taken at my sister's house Feb 5th and 7th, 2004
Steve (my sister's husband) and Paul (my husband) |

"If you want the remote control, you'll have to fight me for it." |
Greeting her visitors! Feb 7, 2004 |

Cinnamon is a lot more gregarious than she used to be! |
One of my sister's other cats, "Miss Kitty" |

Miss Kitty was abandoned by my sister's neighbor so she adopted her. |
Garret's kitties, obviously best friends |

The gray one is Sammy and the brown one is Maxwell (like the coffee!). |
This is Maxwell, Garret's cat |

I can't believe the way Maxwell is sleeping here. He looks like he's folded over! |